I Love You; But........
“Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way."
1 Corinthians 13:4-5 NLT
Do we find it easy to rejoice with our loved ones when they are blessed with something that we wanted to have...and desperately have it? Well, the Bible clearly mentions that love is not jealous! Some versions also state the word envy.
Sometimes, we have been praying hard for a new job, a better salary, a good house, etc. And we see the answers to our prayers in the life of our loved one. What is the first thought that crosses over our mind? Are you really happy for your loved one? Let me put it in a simple example:
You have been wanting to go abroad and you've been praying hard for it. But things don't work the way you want it to. Your brother's passport gets done without any hassles and his visa also gets cleared. You surely would be sad in the first place, and that is a completely natural reaction. But do you continue sulking or decide to just be as excited as your brother is? There's a serious problem if you keep sulking, throw tantrums, don't help your brother shop and pack his stuffs, etc. In such a case, you need to sot in the presence of God and deal with it.
We need to realise that God knows what's best for us and He won't withhold the best from us. There are times when we block our own blessings because of disobedience and compromises we make in order to fit in this society. Even the 10th commandment says Do Not Covet. Wanting something that doesn't belong to us or envying the person for his/her blessings, is simply not love. If you truly love the person, you would rejoice with him/her as if you have been blessed. You will thank the Lord for working in his/her life. You will also introspect the hurdles you have created that are blocking your blessings or if you need to just trust God and His ways.
There's no point in just talking about how much you love the person when your actions speak otherwise. If you really love a person, you'll take care that you don't hurt that person. You won't look down upon that person and uplift yourself instead. You will show them their mistakes with kindness. You will happily accept that you don't know it all and give some credit to the others. You would also want people to treat you kindly, with respect and love.
“Do to others as you would like them to do to you.”
Luke 6:31 NLT
And finally, love is about making adjustments for each other; not compromises. Each one has to bend a little in order to mend.
I've heard people say 'Don't get me wrong. I do love you, but I expected it to be done this way.' 'I want you to live upto your dreams and have the best because I love you; but I felt you should do this because I know things better than you. You're too young to know it all. I've seen worse days.' 'I Love you, but I can't do it your way.'
If it's with conditions, it's not love. Love is not meant to be sold with *Conditions Apply*
“Give as freely as you have received!”
Matthew 10:8 NLT
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