Mary and Martha
'Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Shouldn't she be helping me out?'
What was Mary doing? She was required to help Martha prepare the big dinner! Martha was left all alone to complete the chores. And Mary? Mary was sitting at the feet of the Lord!
Why didn't she think of helping her? She was needed to do that. But she chose to do what she wanted to do.
It's the freewill that Jesus offers us. Whoever choose to listen and believe will be saved. And Mary.... Mary chose to listen.
'My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!'
Martha chose to do what was needed. She chose to set her priority, something that could be avoided at that moment.
If it is out of need, it's only till the need exists. If it's out of choice, it will be my priority.
Let me leave you with one question: 'Do you need to be in the presence of God or do you want to be?'
Jesus is the truth. If you choose to listen, believe and abide in Him, the truth will not be taken away from you. place is to be in presence of the He is the all in all...and He is our mighty king...and its a privilege to sit at His feet n listen like Mary..Mary choosed the best..And we also should to be with if We have Jesus with us..we have all with us.