My Glorious!

Psalm 19 : 7 - 10

This is a Psalm of eloquent praise of the Lord and His laws. Verses 7 - 10 mentions the excellencies of the law in its manifold uses. 

It took me a while to write this one. Even as I continued to meditate on this Psalm, verses 7 - 10, to be precise; I could draw out 6 points about the the faithfulness and glory of God. These verses just provide a ‘perfect revelation of the Lord’. 

  1. The law of the Lord : All the laws of the Lord are perfect - flawless. When we love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul; and when we follow His laws, it has the power to convict us and change us. It is by following the law of the Lord that we are able to live righteous lives.     2 Timothy 3:17, ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.’
  2. The testimony of the Lord : All that the Lord says, He does. All the works that He has done in the past, the mighty works He still does, and the faithful works in the years to come has proven and will continue to prove His steadfast love. If you can, just take a moment to remember the recent wonderful surprise from God in your life. And I’m sure that there will be many more such incidents in your life and you won’t be able to stop thanking God for His faithfulness. In times of difficulties, these experiences and testimonies that God has raised in our lives gives us wisdom and helps lift our spirits because we know we can trust God. We know that we can encourage each other because of His goodness that we have experienced in our lives. We can rest in the fact that ‘He is the same yesterday, today and forever.’ Hebrews 13 : 8
  3. The statues of the Lord : Whenever we hear of some court case going on in the country, we wish for the honest side to win. And when that happens, we do feel happy about it. Similarly, the percepts of God are true, just like Him. There is no hidden lies or compromise in it. It is true in itself. Following His statues helps us live life the right way. Because His percepts are true, it brings joy and refreshment to our hearts. God’s truth and justice will always stay supreme. All those who rely on His truth and justice will never be disappointed. Psalm 119 : 128, ‘and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path.’
  4. The commandments of the Lord : At times, we find the instructions of God irrational. But God knows best. All His commandments are pure, unadulterated. He gives us instructions only because He loves us and wants the best for us. Following His pure instructions only purifies us further. It refines us. It displays our trust in Him. When we embrace His commandment which is without darkness and surrender to it, the Spirit will enlighten us, convict us and cleanse us. Psalm 119 : 9, ‘How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.’
  5. The fear of the Lord : God will live forever. When everything on earth has decayed, He will still be Lord. And all those who chose to worship Him, will still be singing His praises. There will be worship in heaven for all eternity. Revelation 15 : 4, ‘Who will not fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.’
  6. The judgements of the Lord : His judgements are grounded on truth and righteousness. They help us stay alert and be thoughtful about our thoughts, words and deeds. They are right and help us stay upright in our ways. They are to be valued more than gold and silver, because His judgements will not rust away or reduce in value, but they will endure forever. Psalm 119 : 103, ‘How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!’

Finally, we know that God is all powerful. He alone can work wonders for us. He alone can do the impossible and all glory, honour and praise is due to Him!

Forget Not His Benefits

Amidst the storm I have felt your peace,
In your embrace I feel my fears release. 
In your light my darkness flees,
Your goodness, Oh Lord, will never cease!

You healed me when I was sick,
My thoughts, my words, my deeds you fixed. 
You consecrated me and set me apart,
Now from Your love, will I never part. 

You bring joy to every mourning,
And heartfelt praises for You are unending. 
Your grace never leaves me forgotten,
So I offer my praise unbroken. 

Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not His goodness,
Surrender to Him, He will impart His righteousness. 
Obedience He seeks, and not your sacrifice;
Trust Him, His grace will suffice!

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