Calm in the Chaos?

The best comforting feeling is a child resting in the arms of its mother. That is the most secured feeling a child can ever have! 

We panic at times when things don't go the way they're supposed to, when we have plans and desires ruined by someone else, when people don't treat us well and the list can go on. What do we do in times such as these? The Psalmist says:

Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child [resting] with his mother, My soul is like a weaned child within me [composed and freed from discontent].


Today, in every situation of yours, will you choose to rest in the arms of God like a weaned child, comforted and secured? 

Have a blessed day! 

Keys To Be Fruitful

We all look at being fruitful at our work places and personal life. Ever thought of being fruitful together, as a family? 

For you shall eat the fruit of [the labor of] your hands, You will be happy and blessed and it will be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine Within the innermost part of your house; Your children will be like olive plants Around your table.

PSALMS 128:2‭-‬3 AMP

It says:

1. You will be happy, blessed, prosperous & healthy

2. Your wife will be fruitful at the core of your house in every area (being able to comfort, provide a helping hand, strengthening values, etc) 

3. Your kids will add to your inheritance. They will not only enjoy what you are able to provide, but they will also produce (joy, simplicity, humility & a child like heart in you which is pleasing to God) 

How do you become fruitful as a family? 

Psalm 128 gives you the simple keys for the same:

1. Stay connected with the Lord (as a family) 

2. Worship the Lord together 

3. Finally, live a life aligned with the Word of God. 

Remember that, a family that prays together, worships together and communes with the Lord together, will always remain one strong unit the emy can't break. 

Have a blessed day! 

Whose Stronghold Are You Holding On To?

We all go through times in life where we feel stuck in a situation and it takes forever to get out of it. Some days are overwhelming and exhausting, some are low and dull. But, we have a choice to make in days like these.

We can choose to hold on to God's stronghold of faith, love, joy and peace; or we can hold on the Devil's stronghold of hopelessness, hatred, despair and anxiety.

The only difference is that, holding on the Devil's stronghold will keep you bound in his sad and dark situation, but holding on to God's stronghold will pull you out of the pit and surprise you beyond your imagination!

What do you choose today?

When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion (Jerusalem), We were like those who dream [it seemed so unreal]. Then our mouth was filled with laughter And our tongue with joyful shouting; Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” They who sow in tears shall reap with joyful singing. He who goes back and forth weeping, carrying his bag of seed [for planting], Will indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.
PSALMS 126:1‭-‬2‭, ‬5‭-‬6 AMP

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