Can we trust our healthcare system?

 Battling the horrid situation of Covid with a baby growing inside of her, she succumbed to the struggles on Saturday morning at 7. The reason - NO BEDS WITH VENT AVAILABLE.

She lost her father on a Friday morning as he was down with Covid.

The incident I am about to share is a true one. i didn't know the girl directly but my husband did. What happened with her can happen to anyone out there struggling, given the sudden rise in the cases.

When the doctor first asked to admit her, her husband hunted for hospitals but couldn't find a bed for her. He finally found a bed available at a private hospital (Chinchwad). She struggled as her oxygen levels kept saturating. After observing her for one whole day they advised the husband to find a hospital that would get her admitted as she required to be given treatment for Covid post delivering the baby. They said they did not have a bed with vent available. She struggled throughout the day. We contacted as many people as we knew to get a bed for her, but every place we called, the answer was the same. By dusk, as her husband spoke to the doctor, they realised they were related. The doctor apologised for not finding her a bed and stated that he would now give her the treatment that should be given to a relative. I don't how, perhaps only a miracle that they could find a bed with vent when there was none available! She delivered the baby, but sadly couldn't pull through.

We see people at religious gatherings and political rallies being so reckless, while there are people dying and not being given the right treatment. Medications being smuggled, beds being reserved for the VIPs and what not! Has human life deteriorated to being nothing in our country? Sadly, we live in a country where cows are safer than humans, where a surname and faith decides your patriotism and where women still need to pass virginity test to prove they are worthy brides.  We have politicians who enforce curfews and then run huge rallies. People with money and power who trade the lives of the poor for wealth without any conscience. 

In a time where we need to rely on our healthcare system, we are actually being hunted down by it. I'm sure there are many on the frontline who are selflessly dedicated to serving people and give their best. At the same time, there are predators out there who ruin their efforts; all for what? Simply money. 

I am literally shaken by the inhumane healthcare system and the gambles being played by the bigshots. Hoping all of this comes to an end soon.

If any one of you are seeking help or have faced similar incidents, please bring it to light. Trying to stand against the wrong is a way of staying right.


You are fragile yet strong,
You know that there's nothing you can't take on.
You alone can love in the true sense,
Selfless and without an end.
You are a dove yet you can be
A lioness when you need to be.
You are the fire, the passion and the storm;
You are the comfort, the quiet and the embrace the soul yearns.
The only flaw in you is that,
You know not your worth and succumb to what's not right.
Rise up you brave one and keep soaring high,
Don't put up with lies and evil and all the sly.
Know that you are not the one who relies 
But your entire world on you sets their eyes.
Look in the mirror and reflect,
Upon who you are and what you have become. 
Pick up opportunities coming your way
And pick up the another whom people slay.
Let your charisma and your beauty
Be not defined by the words devastating;
Know that you are much more than what you wear or how you look
You are a survivor and survival for many,
You are the feeder and the courage to keep moving.
In all of this don't you forget,
That part of you which deserves self care.
Live your dreams and build your world
Do you what you want to and never doubt your worth! 


Take me to a place of tranquil;

Where there's nothing to bind me and nothing to hold,

Where the beauty of solitude floods my soul.

Let me be with nothing to do

Just for a while, let me hear my heart coo

Of all the dreams stored in its room.

Let me know what I am;

Let me be what I can;

Let me sway just a little,

Let me not myself belittle.

Let me know all my worth,

Let me experience the long missed mirth.

So let me wander just for once

In a place of tranquil;

Where there's nothing to bind me and nothing to hold,

Where the beauty of solitude floods my soul.


Stop Putting Up With It!

Don't we find ourselves whining about the situations we end up in? I also have my "human phases" of whining about situations I am stuck up in; but there's something I have come to realise - we only end up in situations based on what we put up with.

We face the consequences of decisions we make. There are times we end up paying the brunt for someone else's mistakes, but that is not the case often. The earlier we take responsibility for our actions, the easier our healing process is. We need to understand that it's okay to fail and make mistakes. It's just okay to fall and get hurt. It is important to get up, take rest and then keep moving on. Life is all about making choices and we humans can't be perfect. We need to accept that it's okay to have made a wrong decision, now we need to focus on what lies ahead. It doesn't really take courage to keep crying about our wounds, but it does take courage to walk ahead and keep marching on.

You don't have to keep compromising with things around you and please everyone. Living an uncompromising life will finally bring a sense of peace. It's okay to say no. It's okay to feel sad for a little while than to regret for a longer time. 

What is life if you can't learn? Enjoy the learning process, be reflective and remember: What you put with, you will end up with.

So, keep making choices and keep learning from them, but don't stop. Don't compromise. Don't whine. 

Sit A While With Me

Come, sit a while with me,

Let the silence communicate. 

Maybe, this was not we ever asked for;

But what is life if everything has to go our way?

Who is a soldier without wounds and a rugged armour?

My heart is heavy  my soul sunk,

But these are the moments that pull me up.

I put on my armour and remind myself to fight through,

Take a stand and march right ahead.

I don't know if I can put it across to you in words;

So, come, sit a while with me,

Let the silence communicate. 

Feel my heavy heart and numb soul.

Feel me weak yet strong enough to go.


Amidst the chaos all around us, this lockdown has given me plenty of things to be thankful for. It has helped me realise the importance of slow living, something that we overlook during our regular busy days.

Until the lockdown, how many of us really tried to pause and look around all the wonderful reasons to cherish our lives? We devote time to virtual people and we forget to spare some for the ones who really long for us and cherish us.

This 'work from home' phase has surely forced a lot of people to detest screens and taught us to pause. 

Let's use this time to look inside and explore our inner selves. Hold the hands of someone you love, hug someone you cherish, play with your kids, do stuff you love doing which you otherwise couldn't because of your fast life.
Cook, read, talk and laugh. Enjoy the pollution free environment. Look at gleaming stars and enjoy your quiet moments. Talk about past encounters and relive those emotions. Grab all that life has to offer you. Capture the missed smiles and moments with your loved ones. Live slow, live full. Keep your gadgets aside, get out of your virtual world and enjoy the serenity life offers you. Instead of imbibing all the violence, receive peace, love and positive energy by being investing time in building yourself and your familiy. Pray and let go off all your worries. Don't miss out on the silly jokes and simple things in life. 
Live slow, live full.
Pause and look around, because tomorrow everything might be gone.

Can we trust our healthcare system?

 Battling the horrid situation of Covid with a baby growing inside of her, she succumbed to the struggles on Saturday morning at 7. The reas...