Has God Changed?

Let's take a look at these scriptures:

1. Malachi 3:6
"For I, the Lord, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed."

2. Genesis 6:6-7
"And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. And the Lord said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.""

3. Exodus 32:14
"So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people."

4. Jonah 3:10
"When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God relented concerning the calamity which He had declared He would bring upon them. And He did not do it."

You might get confused and feel that God is contradicting Himself. When we see God changimg His mind, we look at it from a human perspective, which is limited. But if you ask God to help you understand the depth of these scriptures, you will realise that when God says He doesn't change, He is speaking about His nature and character. His nature will remain constant. But this does not mean that He cannot change how He works with people throughout history.

Since God holds our future in His hands, He knows it all. Yet He prefers to let us use our free will and He has another plan ready for us, with a hope that we will run back to Him. Hence, we have an everlasting hope in Christ. In the same manner, He also knows His plan of changing His mind. Like in the case of Jonah, God gave the people a chance to repent. Thus, His nature of loving His creation and hoping they would return to Him didn't change, only His approach towards the people changed.

God, as in His love towards us, His truth, mercy, grace, kindness....His character doesn't change. What changes is His way of working in lives. Just as we all differ from each other, so does His work differ in our lives.

Can you imagine if God worked in the same way on all our lives, would we have anything new and out of the box to share with each other, to encourage and uploft each other?
Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever!

Is Your Anointing Leaking Out?

Anointing leaking out! Sounds illogical?

It hit me hard as I heard the preacher give an example for it. It forced me to evaluate myself. Have I left any loopholes for my anointing to leak out? And can I lose my anointing?

The answer is, yes, we certainly can lose our anointing. King Saul was anointed by the Lord, but one act of disobedience cost him his anointing. David was anointed as king instead.

What could be the possible reasons for my anointing to leak out? It's really easy to play the blame game and say 'The Devil' is the only reason! How can the Devil enter without any open doors?  We let him have his way!

Compromising with the standards of God is the major reason we tend to lose our anointing. When I speak of compromising with God's standards, living upto the standards of this world will be your fist thought. But I've realised that it's much deeper. There are people who know and believe in God's word, claim to be walking in the light, yet live compromising lives by following incorrect doctrines. How can we find out if we are following something that's not right?

For example, God teaches us to honour our parents. If we are led by someone to leave them by themselves in their difficult times, you can very well understand that you are compromising with the word of God. You've allowed your anointing to leak.

It's a simple, yet a powerful statement. Something that should make you introspect. There are so many times we instruct the people weaker than us about the Do's and Don'ts. But what about people like us, people who are involved in the forefront of the ministry? Isn't it something we need to really think about?

The more we lean on the Holy Spirit for His guidance, the more wisdom will we receive to watch our steps. The more we empty ourselves before Him and let Him fill us, our cups will overflow. The anointing poured over you is precious, don't let go of it because of petty things - because of foolishness.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22Amplified Bible (AMP)

21 Now it is God who establishes and confirms us [in joint fellowship] with you in Christ, and who has anointed us [empowering us with the gifts of the Spirit]; 22 it is He who has also put His seal on us [that is, He has appropriated us and certified us as His] and has given us the [Holy] Spirit in our hearts as a pledge [like a security deposit to guarantee the fulfillment of His promise of eternal life].

Stand firm in the Lord and let Him guide your steps. Run to him first because He knows what's best for you. Listen to Him and do as He says, joyfully. When you understand the heart of the Father, following His will joyfully becomes easy. Walk in the anointing poured over you. You are His vessel. Don't give the Devil any chance to poke holes through your life and cause your anointing to leak.

A Letter to 'Myself"

Dear Self,

I'm sorry! I realize how much I've hurt you. 
I'm sorry for comparing you with others and making you feel that you're a failure. I'm sorry for not accepting you just as you are.
I'm sorry for the constant pressures you need to cope up with. Sorry for looking down upon you and not encouraging you to stand up strong each time you fall.
Sorry for making you feel that you're good for nothing. Sorry for being so negative towards you. 

And there are so many other things that I need to be sorry for. Despite it all, today, I want you to realize how important and precious you are.

People might label your physical being as 'fat', 'dark', 'short' or 'ugly'; but I want you to know that you are beautifully created. You are beautiful to the One who created you and that makes all the difference.

You are not defined by your past. You are a new creation and a better person. I choose to forgive you and let go all that has happened simply because I cannot condemn God's beloved.

You are not what your grades or education tells about you. You are not just all about your medals, achievements or loses. You're worth more than all of these.

Yes, you have failed a thousand times. But that's bound to happen as a you're just a human. That doesn't make you a failure. God doesn't see you as a failure. He loves you unconditionally. Each time you fall, you get to learn something that makes you a better person.

You are not a garbage dump. I'm sorry for letting all the negativity affect you so bad. You are a renewed mind full of hope, truth, trust and vision. People have let you down, but you are more than a conqueror each time you choose to stand strong and patient. God uses the weak to lead the strong simply because they are totally dependent on Him and His wisdom. So, remain that way. Wait on Him and you will renew your strength each day.

You are God's masterpiece. You don't need to be like him or like her. You don't need to always be appreciated in the eyes of people. Maybe your work here is backstage. But remember, that nothing can be done without the invested efforts of the people working backstage. Your reward is far greater than what you expect it to be.

Give yourself a break. You just need to be 'YOU'- the way God has made you, the way God loves you and the way He wants you to be- simply 'YOU'.

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